January 23rd 2008 – Bobby traps



Happy birthday Jessica!

How are you planning to celebrate it? A nice big cake with your name on it saying “Jessica Tiene 19 annos :-)”? Are you going to have a big party in your house to all your new friends:-)? Or are you going to a club, Where you can dance? Maybe a bitch party, dance all night and then have a long nice day of running on the shore? 🙂

And what else? How do you spend your time Girl? How do you enjoy your days Jessica?

Nathan called home during the war (he is not at the war, but we still fight in Gaza).
“Mom” he said “have you seen my sweet on TV. she’s at the war!”
“What” asked Ima. “Nili is in Gaza?”
“Nili? Who is talking about Nili? My dog is on TV, she found 3 bobby traps already….” 🙂

I study. Wake up a 7:00 study at school till 16:40, sit down at the library until 20:00, go to my room there I study until 22:30. Read a bit and go to sleep :-).

Fatma found a new word, to replace sexy, Now she use the word “lover” (in English). And I wonder to myself, do you have any connection to it. 🙂

and Miss (Not miss Brown, just Jessica 🙂

p.s. Do they go straight to the spam, or do you at least see the subject of the mail? 🙂
I got worried that you don’t answer, not because you don’t want to. Maybe because you can’t, did something happened? But then I show that connected to Fatma massanger and I feel much better 🙂