March 10th 2008 – The Holocaust



Good to hear you feel well.

It’s probably too late for that, but you better know it anyway.

How many people there are in Lima? Can you imagine yourself waking up to an empty city? Without any person in the streets, malls or cars? An empty city? 6 million people, almost as Lima. Some say it is the largest Genocide. But the Holocaust wasn’t a Genocide it was mass destruction of people who had no way to defend themselves from people didn’t want them to be a live.

I will tell one thing. The Nazis where determent to wipe each and every
Jewish man, woman and child upon the face of earth. Not like Genocide, where the killers are trying to get something something then victims own (money or land for example). The Nazis had all the Jewish could have got but that was not the point. They want “A final solution to Jewish problem“. The problem was the fact that they are Jewish in the world. Not that they had money, or land. The final idea was to clear the whole world from the Jewish people.

Another thing was how they made the death of those people in such an efficient way. That is, again, not like other Genocides. It was a large scale plan using all the industrial age achievements for one and very defined target – Killing the Jewish people: Biology (Gas chambers), Engineering (Trains), Mass production (concentration camps)….

Moreover, The holocaust was made by a country that was a very humanist and a democratic country. A country that thought of itself as one of the leading countries of the world in a many things. That country, not a country of people that don’t how to read, or people that believe in miracles, and think that a fire is the gift of God.

That country thought that killing people. No, Not killing – “destroying” millions of people is a moral and a right thing to do. The Allies knew about the concentration camp a long time before they found the camps. something like a year earlier, and they knew all about everything that went inside (two prisoners that escaped and reported all about that). They Had the choice to bomb a lot of places where the the mass killing was. Some say that there were more important places to bomb. They decided, for an example to wipe Dresdrn, A city that had no war factories, or weapon planets, from the map.
That is Miss, is the Holocaust.

Good to hear that you’re already got into the whole university idea. I still haven’t. I hope that you gonna enjoy, and good luck.

My father is OK now.

Nathan Started his officer course yesterday, what means he will serve another year in the army. It is his choice and I think it is a smart one.

Guri left his girlfriend because she made him “look like a gay“.

We went to see the new baby, and my mother was so angry because they told her not to smoke by the baby. And not come close to it.

We had a terrorist attack in Jerusalem that Thursday. I don’t knew if you had heard about it (you probably did with all the newspaper you have to read).
Nobody can tell if that is the “highlight of the show” and things will calm down or that is another step in making things even worse.

Take care,