March 11th 2008 – Seeds

envelope - seedsbooknegative - seeds
11.03.2009 – Seeds

Dear Jessica

Nathan came back from the Army after 28 days over there, he usually comes back every two weeks.

Yoni and Dior are fine, she still works in computers in the credit card company and he he is working on a hie paper in university. When our aunt asked her about kids, she said she doesn’t know if she want any.

Fatma is good, leading her friends in the scout, and spends her time with them.

Guri is OK, he is writing a paper for biology. He spent a lot of time in the scouts and in internet forums where he exchange seeds with people from other countries.

Dad and Mom are not bad. Dad used to walk, but now he got a problem with his knee so he joined Ima in “workout in the water”.

For exciting news I advice you to contact my mother,

take care

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