April 12th 2008 – Passover cleaning



How do you feel? How is school? Do you still have time to dance? Do you still run in the morning? What are you doing – study all day? Do you like it?

Guri is 17 today so he went down town to drink and have some fun. Now he can do his driving test. Too bad there is a strike on that office so he can’t do it.

Nathan started his officer‘s school and he does not like it too much. Unlike his unit there is too much discipline over there. For example they just started it and they have not come back for 21 days. Nili went to be an officer also, that means they are in the same base. Ironic it also means that won’t see each other out side the army.

Fatma is fine seeing all kind of “American 17 years old girls” Movies.
We now doing a “Passover” cleaning. Passover is an holiday, the Jewish people are not allowed to eat bread and instead we are eating some kind of bread that have not swelled up – That’s ugly! And because we came from Europe we can’t eat also rice and other stuff.

We are going to eat potatoes for a whole week now. Anyway My father had colored the whole house. Now he’s organizing all the stuff he has in his bedroom. My mother is telling him: “throw it away, it’s old!” and he says he can’t because he still has feelings for it.

I have just finished the longest semester we ever had over here. Now I am studying for the exams. I am really studying all day long till ten o’clock. Then we see a movie, play something (soccer, basketball…) or just sit and see a game.

Yo entiendo, pero el corazon no escucha.
