May 3rd 2008 – Brit milah



Como estas seniorita? Como esta su padre? Como esta Roni? Como esta Barni?

First of all good luck with your Math exam. I hope yo will pass it, I thought you got a private teacher for math. Does it helps?

It’s good to hear that the mails make you laugh.

I have found the exercise you told me about  in the internet. It is good to do physical exercise and not only sit and study but you know about it better than I do.

This is exactly why I think you going to be a good mother. Only when you have something and you lost it, you realize the value of it. When you have the feeling of good loving family, and later you lost it you realize how much it worth and how much you love them. It took me 9 months, when I was out of my country to realize I how much I miss them and how much I really love them.

You understand how much you didn’t have and this is why I think you will be such a good mother – you will give this things you didn’t have to you children.

We had two big events this week. The first of them was a “Brita” – a female adj. of the word “Brit” (like Spanish we “a” in the end of a word to make a male word into a female). We celebrate the born of the little girl “Noam” (“pleasant”) – for girls the Jewish people don’t do nothing special. But for boys you have to make Brit milah (covenant of circumcision) 8 days after he was born. This is like a little surgery done by a religion priest – he cut down and take off a little piece of leather covering the male reproductive organs. This ritual makes a convent between the kid and God of Israel. The facts are that because of it you can different a Jewish male from others male only by taking his truces off, like during the Holocaust.

Fatma took all the little girls that were there and played with them outside – “Fatma kinder garden”. My mother drunk a little bit too much, what made her to help my aunt to match me her neighbor. So I had to run away from my aunt, my mom and from my little cousin that decided that I dance wonderful.

This was the second thing we had that week. The Holocaust memorial day.  We have ceremony all over the country and the main one is in Yad Vashem (the place you visit) – my father was there. In ten o’clock in the morning there a siren – everybody just stand in their place standing a moment to memorize the 6 million murdered by the Nazis. Look at it . Guri took the older people in the scouts to hear the story of an old woman that survived the holocaust. Later they had a big ceremony with fire-sign, songs and Jewish prior to remember does how die.

Because you were interested. I asked Yoni (my elder sister) why don’t she want a kid – she just say “I don’t want”. She already raised all her 4 little brothers – she was already 6 years old when I was born. Old enough to start help my mother growing me up. Now she says “Kids are happiness, Kids are bless” – especially if they are not yours.

You will probably tells me what you tells me each time, but I feel I have to tell you the truth (like the fact you are Fakatch for exmample). I love you. I miss you, I think of you day and night Jessi.

Take Care
Ani ( I ) Ohev ( love ) Otach (you)

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