May 10th 2008 – Yom Hazikaron



Dear Jessica,

I really hope you feel better since the last time you wrote me down. Please take care of yourself and don’t let yourself get sick. I hope you passed your exams and you are not as stress and unhealthy as you were. If you look good you can probably find some mango tea in Peru. If not, we can send you some. Good luck with your Economics class. I don’t know what you and your are father fought about, but I can see you both fight for months over something.

I know you have a Jewish family, I didn’t know they told about the “Brit”. Sorry about the details, will not happen again. Good to hear that Barney and Yoni are OK, It is always good to have good friends. About the girl, I’m weird person I guess. And the way I act and feel about you, Is completely different.

Please find out more about your family during the Holocaust, that is important. We found out my mother mother z”l (an Hebrew way to say that a man is dead. It means short way of saying “Remembered for good”) story last year when her sister from Australia came to visit. I translated the story, You probably understood it by finding the amount of mistakes in it.

This Wednesday was the Yom Hazikaron Memorial day for soldiers. From one memorial to another. There is a siren like in the memorial day for the Holocaust. In day before and in the day after (in Judaism the day start at the sunset, so the ceremonies start the night before). Like in the holocaust the TV play only life stories of soldiers that day and sad songs.

One channel just shows you all the names of those people that died. The radio plays only sad songs. There is a project of famous singers that sing songs that those soldiers wrote down. Fatma and Guri had ceremonies in the scouts (for all the neighborhood), and in the day after (in Yom Hazikaron) ceremony in the school . Ima had a ceremony in her school, her school has so many people that died during studying there (their bus exploded) or after that. Aba went down to Latron (maybe you remember this place.

Nathan showed it to you when we drove back from my relative birthday party, just before you asked how does our anthem sounds like). Latron is the memorial monument for the Armored Corps where Aba served, fought and lost friends. (He met Ima after the war, she came with all the psychologists to see the soldiers are OK after the war). I told you about that time of the year. One second this is one of the saddest days of the year, One minute later this is one of the happiest. One minute you cry over dead people, the minute later you are on your way to celebrate. Is it smart or not, I don’t know but this is really make you feel much more happy. One phrase says “In their death they ordered as life”. So you live and celebrate “going to dance with dead soldiers in your heart” . In the evening all the little children go down town with small hammer toys like the clowns use to hit other people and white foam spray, covering the city and other people with snow. The day after, our Independence day, we barbecue in every piece of that land. Eating so much meat until even Dior cannot eat anymore.

“Ohev” is a verb. “Ahava” is the noun. I think you bought some “Ahava” to you father. It is the cosmetics that made in the dead sea. Like in spanish there is a different way of using the verb. This is the present tense (we don’t have progressive or perfect), a boy says “Ohev”, a girl says “Ohevt”, he “Ohev”, she “Ohevet”, we (male) “Ohavim”, we (female) “Ohavot”, you (male) “Ohavim”, you (female) “Ohavot”, they (male) “Ohavim”, they (female) “Ohavot”.

Take care