May 24th 2008 – Translation




I hope you feel good.

I hope you passed your exams, and got some good grades too.

I did not got any mail from except the one saying that you have important exams and that your computer froze. Because of that, of course, I will not be able to replay to anything you wrote down.

We had the 33rd of the Omer counting, yesterday. It has a long story behind it but the main point is that everybody lights fires around the country. The ultra orthodox just light huge ones that finish after an hour an hour and a half. Most of the people (mostly the more young ones, although at my age people are still do it) sit down around the fire with guitar, talk and sing. Once in a while a couple disappear and return after some time with dirty clothes and messy hair. Each one had a fire with his friends and return at the morning and wake up late at the noon.

Nathan had an education week that week so he spent most of his week in Jerusalem and Ima and Aba went to see how does he feel, and bring him some candy and food. Although he and his girlfriend are at the same time at the same base, they have not seen each other for 45 days. (They don’t have time to see each other, neither they allowed to sit down alone).

Yoni is starting a course in programming, she left her last job. When she will finish it she’ll have a work for at least two years. She didn’t want to work as an programmer, but that is the best work she can find (good money, she just don’t like it).

I started my second semester that week. I have been working in a little shop in a gas station, that belong to some relative I never knew I have. When I sold people food and drinks I used to say Bon apettit, and when I sold them cigarettes I said Health (like you say Salud in Spanish).

It was good to see my “Wife” – that is my roommate (He is not gay, he is has girlfriend for 2 years). He is my wife because we live together – he makes laundry and I clean up the room for example. He had to do some tests again, so he didn’t have a vacation. He is one of the few good friend I have, I laugh at him that the one he loves his 100 Km from him. And he laugh at me that the one I love is 10,000 Km away. He used to close my computer when I went crazy because of you, and later he just made me uninstall my MSN massager. We learn the same thing, so he saw how much I ate (or better to say didn’t eat) during those days and made me eat.

My Ima and Aba are fighting now because there is no hot water in 12 in the noon (In Israel a lot of the water are heated by tanks placed on the roof and absorb the heat from the sun. It is good for the environment but they started use it because Israel didn’t have too much money for electricity when the country was young). So they call each other in their youth name. Ima name is youth name is Gold.

I think of you and miss you every moment I breathe. I try to write down how I feel about you, but it looks to me everything is uncleared and unfocused. I wish I had a way to explain my feelings better to you but as I learn, when I learned Translation, we have different languages and we have different cultures. And of course there is the fact that it is hard for me to express my feeling (I have to sleep couple of hours after I write you down). Take care of yourself, it is wonderful to see you are growing to be a lovely woman. Because I feel everything I write down is not right, I will write you down the only thing I hope you know exactly its meaning –
