October 11th 2008 – Yom Kippur

envelope - Yom Kippurbooknegative - Yom Kippur
I connected Fatma to your massanger, I hope that if you will come here you will guest in our home again. My dreams have changed – instead of dreaming of running away from you I started dreaming of something that made me wake up and realize that I might really not see you again. That was hard….
Yom Kippur was pretty OK, as far as a fast can be. Aba felt bad and had to take some pills and drink some. I think it was the first time he broke the fast since he was 13 years old (exactly 42 years). I didn’t ask him, but he probably drunk in the Yom Kippur war – in 1973.

I say “exactly” because this is his Hebrew birthday (we got Jewish calendar, and we don’t celebrate his birthday in Yom Kippur because of the fast). Aba says that as a fetus he was upset of his mother fasting (she is not supposed to, as a fragment woman. But she did), so he wanted to go out.

I read a lot, drink nothing and walked a lot (in the night – not to got thirsty). We used to meet in the lowest junction of the neighborhood – all the friends. But now I hanged out with Fatma because I didn’t find nobody in my age.

We played cards. Of course we had to cheat, this is how you play cards. Pretty ironic we cheat in the same day we need to ask of forgiveness for our sins…

Ori, Fatma and I walked to Nabi Samuel in the last two hours, to make the time past faster. We found a chocolate bar on the way and we were thinking of it all the way…

when we came back home the fast was over and we did what we do each Yum Kippur – we made a Toast. Everybody got a glass of alcohol – and drunk it. Ever drunk over a empty stomach? ( I don’t if you have started to drink after you came back from here. You wrote down you drunk beer but I don’t know, I wish I could ask you…). It makes you so high….

Nathan is starting tomorrow his final exam to be an officer. Nili finished her course in Monday. My mother asked Nathan what she can buy her and he said a brassiere. “What size is she?” my mother asked, and Nathan said “I don’t know” and called her. He called back and my mother laughed on him – how come you don’t know it? We found out that Fatma and Nili have the same brassiere size (make sense they pretty much look the same….)
