October 17th 2009 – Tel Aviv party




Fatma has found herself a new hobby: to be sick. She got the flu during the week, and now she got some viral thing.

They now had the fire ceremony to open the year in the scouts. Aba asked Guri to some ice cream for the people scouts. Guri have to buy things for himself (for the communa) so he knew where to buy in cheap. So he bought them the most cheapest ice cream he could find – from the Arabs.

Till now Fatma was too small to do things in the ceremony so Aba used to brought her when the scouts took things apart, now she was too sick to come so she went back to her old duty – to come give hot chocolate to everybody.

Guri took his girlfriend to buy some spices and buy some new planets. When they came back he got mad at her, that her feet are dirty so he throw her into the bath and start cleaning her, while she is screaming. When Ima and Aba went to Uzbekistan Guri took of Fatma – He saw that every day someone would come and take her to eat somewhere (at their home or outside). And then he said Ima that he felt like he had to take care of another dog… 🙂

Nathan and his girlfriend went to a zimmer. They got it for free from the army, so it was in the desert. Pretty wierd – because for us zimmers are at a green place not in the middle of the desert. Later they went on a walk in the nature.

Last weekend I went to drink in a place in Jerusalem called Tel Aviv -when you say it, it always makes some confusion. But they called it that way so you could feel in TA when you are in Jerusalem. My friends drunk a bit too much – and it was a funny night. When I came back home a 90’s song was playing in the radio, I looked for it and found out it was Gala – Let the boy cry. I kept listen to it all week long, and found out there is a 90’s party in Tel Aviv. So I picked up my friends and we went to one crazy party. All the way there we were listening to some radio station in which an old woman explained to some young broadcaster how to make good sex -nice start for a party. When we got there, I could not drink (for driving) – but somehow I found myself sometimes in a kind of a trance from the music, the lights and the people. There were homos, lesbians, bio, hetro (sound like Greek  lesson) – all dancing, jumping and really free to enjoy. I have been in some free parties but here it was really something different. Something I really think I could have been only in Tel Aviv. The parties in the Kibbutz I was were very free, but only in heterosexual way.

One of my friends is going on a trip in south America from January, So I will give her your address I’m sure you will be happy to guest him.

Take Care.

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