October 31th 2009 – Teacher



Hi girl,

It’s a beautiful day it’s rainy and it’s cold, I like this Weather. A lot of parts of the country have been flooded, even places that usually don’t get flooded. We have learned about it (like you probably) that systems are built up to take care of 95% of things and that once in a while they break down. Until now it’s a very good winter more rain then we usually get to that time of the year. We still in a bad condition – the sea of Galilee still missing something like 5 meters.

Fatma, some friends and I were supposed to go and ride some “field cars” (I don’t knew how you call them… 🙂 but we canceled it due to the weather. They also canceled the 14 year memorial to the murder of Yizhak Rabin that was supposed to be tonight. Fatma try to explain her scout group why it’s not a fair play to go and kill someone because they think different – but they thought it’s been a good murder, and that we should also kill the murderer (Well what do you expect a 4th grade children?).

We went to see were Guri is living. All the families came and brought them food and we sat, ate and played some games about how much we know about their comuna and what we don’t. Ima made for that what she usually makes for Friday’s nights dinner. We started acting as polish Jews and tell her that she don’t love us only Guri. We always do it when Ima makes something a bit different for somebody else (Like buying Fatma candies for her annual trip with school…).
I have seen two movies that weekend. First I show a Toy story 2 in 3D with a friend. When you left I want her to be my friend – she’s cheerful, dance, small and brown and she’s speaking Spanish… In the evening we went to see Gamer. It’s was a hard movie so later we went out to cool down. We sat in a place called Tel Aviv in Jerusalem – pretty confusing:
“where are you?”
“Tel Aviv”
“You went all the way to there?”
“No, I’m in Tel Aviv in Jerusalem”

It ended up that I was a taxi driver and drove two of my friends home, while they were kissing and making out on the back. They know each other for a long time, but the boy drunk a little to much and things happened. I left them in her house, while they keep telling me – “We are going to sleep” (we are not going to have sex!). well they defiantly didn’t have sex – he felt so bad and spent the all night in the bathroom. Well I guess they are a couple now and that he won’t drink again…
You can explain one and talk with him a lot about something and try to teach him, but experience is the best teacher. Too bad he’s private teacher and take extremely high prices…. 🙂

Take Care

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