November 15th 2009 – Sabbath

envelope - Sabbathbooknegative - Sabbath
It was a pretty loaded weekend. I didn’t manage to see all I wanted to see, but then again you can’t get anything can you?

First of all I took Fatma (my little sister) to a ride trip on ATV (All terrain vehicle), those are popular type of entertainment here.  We were: a friend with her sister, another friend  and Fatma and me. It was fun! You need a driving license for insurance reasons to drive one, so I gave Fatma a ride on the ATV.

Somehow that girl has no fear, I let her push the ATV gas so she can feel how it is to drive and she just push it all the way down all the time (likely I had my hand on the brake…). We planed it for over a month, but Fatma was sick for a couple of weeks and later we were afraid it will rain. I wish it was raining – I was looking for every puddle of mud to get into because it was so fun.

We needed some helmets – there was a lot of helmets over there on the shelves – but it all had only three colors:grey, white and black. We all took one, I turn around only to see Fatma with pink helmet saying “Hot ride to heaven”… I got no idea were she got it from 

We came back and I went to see the ultra Orthodox protesters against Intel factory near my house. Yes, pretty dangerous to me and to the car (they throw rocks at cars, because they think it is prohibited to drive them in Sabbath) – But riots are still the best show in town (Maybe I will go to Ni’lin, where they built the separation fence. there are riots  every Friday).

They protest because the plant is working in Sabbath. The problem is that its has been working that way from the moment they have opened it, 23 years ago. Why did they started protest against it now? It’s looks like they want to show their power. To who? I don’t know.

When I came back we went the new spring we found near our house. On the map it says there is another one near it, but it’s too near to the Arab village (I don’t know if it’s hostile, but I am not going to find out….). When you there in the spring, you can look on the man’s ego. The water can be freezing cold but still. The moment one of the boys goes in – all the other boys have to go in – to show they are really men…. We are the boys stupid aren’t we…

I came back home just to find out we are going to a movie. There aren’t too much open cinemas open in Sabbath in Jerusalem so we drove all the to Modi’in to their cinema. We saw “Law Abiding Citizen” and we had along discussion on it all the back home. In second thought maybe it good we went all the way there to see the movie. If not we would have never sat down and talk about what it tries to say and if we agree or disagree.

I still didn’t manage to meet someone I know from South America that stayed in Jerusalem (she study here, but go home for weekends). I didn’t meet also my roommate that came to Jerusalem and a lot of other people I wanted to see.

anyway have a nice week…

Take care