December 5th 2009 – Belmont

envelope - Belmontbooknegative - Belmont



I didn’t too much that weekend.

I did see Ellie – you probably remember him. He was in Paris with a friend from the army. I called him last week when I went to the market –
“Wanna come to the market?”
“I’m aboard”
“So you don’t wanna come to the market?” 🙂

We went to see the new horror movie, I almost fell asleep during it. It wasn’t so scary and a lot of the audience kept talking so it really didn’t help.

Last Saturday we went to a hill near my house – Tell Tzuba (Belmont). There are a lot of places in Israel that old settlements, from different periods of time, are built one on top of another (what is called – Tell) And in those days you got a hill that if you dig it you find archeological stuff. I know that there is a hill but I never been to there. So I took I friend and went there.

We find an excellent point of view an ruins of a crusader fortress called Belmont – which is beautiful mountain in French. The castle sits on top of the Tzoba mountain. The castle of Belmont is inside Tzoba national park and near En Hemed national park. I’ve been there again today – went for an hike-run on around the castle. (Do you keep running in the mornings?)

I find myself working a lot of time helping building the dome for Nepal in the EWB. Later we wanna built a wind turbine (I already convince father to put solar panels on the house they will built, now I working on convince him that a turbine is also good for us).

I have two roommates. And now one of them is trying to match me a friend of her. I don’t like her – she’s too much with her nose up. I don’t see my roommates too much although we learn together in the same faculty, and almost in the same semester.

And just a small joke – Aba brought A GPS for Dior (my elder sister, Yoni,  husband). Ima was happy she said he’ll finally find the way to the place that makes children. It was on Dior inability to navigate and on Yoni’s body…

Take Care