December 15th 2009 – Bio-gas dome formwork

envelope - formworkbooknegative - formwork
Bio-gas dome formwork
O.K. let me introduce you to the members of our team to Namsaling, Nepal:
Tark – my professor to geomechnics, he’s Canadian that immigrated to Israel.
Gilad – Just about to finish M.A. in environmental engineering, Israeli.
Dana, Joe and Lidit – All American doing their MA in environmental engineering in Israel (Dana is religious).
Kom – working in the Patent office as a temporary worker with BA in mechanical engineering.

The plane – to bring the Nepalis an easier way of building their bio-gas reactors.   Those are very simple structures that produce cooking gas from cows and humans shit. So we will build a formwork dome that can be a template for the reactor concrete dome that will be cast on it. This formwork can be removed in one hour of work. Hopefully this method will replace the way they do it now – casting the concrete dome on formwork from mud, and then take out all the mud slowly out. That way, the cost of each bio-gas reactor will reduce and more reactor can be built.

Let’s hope they’ll love it 🙂
Take Care
