March 23th 2011 – Jerusalem, Israel – Terror attack


Jerusalem, Israel

Some things never changes.

An SMS from your sister asking “Are you alright?”.

It cannot be good.

And you open the radio, or the internet. An a blood red header jump into your eyes.

“Terror attack in Jerusalem”.

And the second line saying that not enough details are known yet.

But the pictures are already there. The bus, The policeman, the ZAKA people that their job is to collect the pieces of the dead and to bury it.

And your cellphone gets is own life. “Hey Fatma…”, “Are you OK Ima…”, “No, Yoni I am in Haifa…”….And only after you know that all that your darlings are OK you can relax a bit, because you don’t really sure you don’t know anybody there until they publish the names and the passport pics in tomorrow newspaper.

A spontaneous protests calling for revenge behind the reporter that bring more information that will bring no good: “It seems that a explosive that has been left in the bus station blow up at 15:04. As one of the workers at the kiosk called to the police to report an Suspicious object, a blast was sound. As it seem they are 1 dead and 2 injuries….”.

And like in a computer game, with a counter of hits – The line the roll at the bottom of the screen keep changing and update at the number of the injuries and the dead.

3 years of “quiet”, but nothing really changed….

Take Care

The location of the Terror attack - in front of central station in JerusalemThe location of the Terror attack – in front of central station in Jerusalem

The bus that was hit - Terror attack The bus that was hit

ZAKA people "cleaning" the area - Terror attackZAKA people “cleaning” the area