March 23th 2011 – Seiks and Piko


Haifa, Israel

The picture of the Middle East today is based on a stupid agreement that was set between two gentleman that sat down in Paris and in London with maps and decided who will get what. Their name was Seiks and Piko.

And as the colonialists used to do around the world – they didn’t really thought about who set in those lands. All they were care about was their interests. Somehow they tried to make an image that they trying to satisfied them.
The agreement was set before Britannia and France conquered the middle east. And several announcements and commitment were made. After the second war and the conquest of the middle east, things changed and so are the commitments. Again what was set in front of eyes was their interests.

And that was the middle east since then. Yes, there were changes and wars: most of them between Israel and the Arab countries around them. But the countries are the same.

What happening those days is that situation above is changing, Countries that are set as a remain of the colonized era (and due to the colonization interests) are braking apart. Countries that are built on interests on the west of Europe, won’t stand for long. They don’t have interests of their own, except of their ruler. Each is made of a lot of small ethnic groups, each of her own interest. Like Yugoslavia – and like there it will be long…

Take Care

Map of the Middle east in 1914 - Seiks and PikoMap of the Middle east in 1914

Map of the Seiks and Piko agrrementMap of the Seiks and Piko agrrement

Map of Ethnic groups in Middle East today - Seiks and PikoMap of Ethnic groups in Middle East today

Map of the Middle East today today - Seiks and PikoMap of the Middle East today today