June 19th 2011 – Haifa, Israel – Party


Haifa, Israel

I think that the reason is that the chase is better then the catch.

Or in more clear words – You must have a target, even if it is only a party.
The evening was supposed to be a easy one. I was supposed to drop Yoni and her husband in Tel Aviv – maybe to visit a friend and come back home to study after I lost all my project that was on Disk on Key.

The day before I went out with one of my roommate and his friends to a party in Haifa in the Loft Dance Bar. The fact they had to get up early and the fact that things only start to move in 1:00 o’clock made me really want a real party.
I had a target there – 2 Russian girls. One of them was so beautiful that I stop dance for a while just to look at her. It is not like I would have do something – her girlfriend left her couple of times.

Anyway that party really made me hungry for a good party.

I left up only with Sason, nobody else come. I had my sunglasses on me and he convince me to take them off, at least till we got in the Wallenberg Dance Bar.

Somehow it seems that even a small different or accessory can make you to stick up. I dance all night with sunglasses on my eyes (It was a “summer party” so it was pretty normal). I think that 4 girls that pick up with you in a night, is a good prove 🙂

She was small, No high hill shoes, black dress and a small ring in her nose. I think she was beautiful, but the sunglasses prevent me from really know. I think she was in to it, by her move, her eyes and reaction.

My excuse is that she had a boyfriend, Or that the chase is better then the catch.
Who Am I kidding Jess? You and I knew the real reason 🙁

Take Care

Wallenberg - Social club - partyWallenberg – Social club

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