August 01st 2011 – Jerusalem, Israel – Moving

envelope - Movingbooknegative - Moving
Jerusalem, Israel
We are about to move to the new house in December. We, as a family, are moving –  although I am out of that house for more then 9 years. Yoni is living with her husband in Tel Aviv, Nathan just moving for his studies and Guri is in the army. That means that only Fatma and my parents going to live there.

So that things won’t be a mess when December will come, we already start throwing stuff.

All the double books that Aba has, “I need to give this one back to my architect” he says and put it back on the shelf. We have a game in which we are looking for double book or disk on the shelf, I am trying to catalogue it all to find all the duplicates once and for all.

My mother note lectures, from undergraduate. She will not use it in he master degree. She had decided it is a good point admitting it will not happen.

Old technical stock exchange reading material I used to read, this is when I understand we need to let our money to work. Side to side with Karl Marx “Communist Manifesto”…  Moving You know what they say “A young man who isn’t a socialist hasn’t got a heart; an old man who is a socialist hasn’t got a head” (Georges Clemenceau).

Take Care