August 20th 2011 – Finished the trek

envelopenegative - Finishedbook - Finished
Aigüestortes i Estany de Sant Maurici National Park, Spain
Well as I said – we carry much more than the Europeans. But we have finished the trek, and managed to do it alone…

First we had a case of jock itch for a day. Which really makes at hard to walk with, as you may guess it is mostly in some place.

Then the second had a 37.5 fever for a all day. What slow us down and made it hard for the guy to walk.

Later the third had diarrhea and a 38.0 fever. What required us to stop and rest for sometime (and for him to go aside for a while).

But we finished the trek without any outside help. We had almost all the medicines we need. We reorganized the bags, helped each other and made it.
And you know what… Sometimes we even enjoyed the walk… 🙂

Take Care

A lake with Crystal clear blue water in Aigüestortes - FinishedA lake with Crystal clear blue water in Aigüestortes

Really crystal clear blue water... - FinishedReally crystal clear blue water…

This is, with any doubt, a place to eat launch. If not the place... - FinishedThis is, with any doubt, a place to eat launch. If not the place…

Aigüestortes i Estany de Sant Maurici National Park, Spain

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Aigüestortes i Estany de Sant Maurici National Park, Spain 42.586944, 0.974444