August 26th 2011 – Dali

26.08.2011 – Dali
Imagine your 12th grade graduation party. Better – think about your 9th grade graduation party. That’s was how horrible the music was.

And about the ages… Well just think that youth parents decided to come to party and to dance…

And one last thing, that girlfriend isn’t a very big girl. She is a big man dressed as a women…

Well we were in a party in Barcelona, another V was marked.

Take Care

P.S. The pics are from  Dali museum in Figueres that we visited couple of days ago. I didn’t had the chance to right you about it or send pics from there, so here they are :-). I thought it was a good idea to visit the place.

First of all it isn’t a museum such as the Louvre or Israel museum where you walk around quietly around the exhibitions. This museum is more like an interactive expiration (before this word get popular) between Dali works of art. That pretty much like the guy itself was and how his works are.  If you around here (and if not) – it will be a nice place to visit to 🙂

Dali museum Dali museum

A camel in the Dali museumA camel in the museum

A wonderful drawing by DaliA wonderful drawing by Dali

One of my favorite drawing of DaliOne of my favorite drawing of Dali

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