October 12th 2011 – Gilad Shalit

envelope - Gilad Shalitbooknegative - Gilad Shalit
Haifa, Israel
“Do you see the news? I’m so happy! Amen, Amen Amen!” – that was the SMS said.
This is when it all started. No, in the matter of fact it all started in the 26.10.2011.
The day That Gilad Shalit was hijacked to Gaza strip.

Now over 5 years is been released. I want him home: He served his country, and he doesn’t deserve to rot in captivity. Not as soldier that defended Israel. It is good that he come back.

After I got the SMS I called him. I barley use phone to talk with this friend (We use FB or meet). So I know something happened, I called him to hear the news.
What amazed me was that I wasn’t so happy. Two thoughts came up my mind: First – Is Gilad Shalit alive? Second how much it costs?

I still don’t knew the answer for the first question, and I won’t now it till he will got home. The last two hijacked soldiers came back inside a coffin, and non of us even thought that what will happen.

For the second question I only have half of the answer. 1,000 locked up terrorists, with blood on their hand. People that killed ….. And declared they will keep do it once they be released.

Who will they kill next?

Take Care

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