May 24th 2012 – cellphone company

envelope - cellphone companybooknegative - cellphone company
Haifa, Israel
I finally changed my cellphone company 🙂

I don’t know if I paid too much of them until recently, when Ilan Ben dov bought it.

I didn’t hate them, but the fact that I kept getting my monthly bill with my family name spelled wrong, always made me upset. And waiting on line in the costumer service for an hour (did it couple of times until I gave up) just made me more upset on it.

But when I realized why I really pay so much for my cellphone call and SMS, I decided to leave that company as fast as I can.

Ilan Ben dov didn’t buy from his own money. He sold bond in the stock exchange.
He borrowed the retirement money of people to buy it, and than took all he could from the company – double hit. Only for that it’s worth leaving the company.

Take care