September 26th 2012 – Lisbon,Portugal -Belong


Here I am, set to walk and explore Lisbon by myself.
Sending my hand far away and take pics of myself. Running from the camera I had just set on timer in order to be alone in the picture. Or just asking people to do it.
For some reason it doesn’t bother me a lot. As the words of Haruki Murakami – Alone but not lonely.
It come to my mind that I had never really felt belong to any group. Not in the scouts, or in the army, or any social bond. Many times I thought it has something to the group I am in, maybe in a different place I would have felt a stronger feeling of connection.
But as time passes I more and more feel it is more me than the group around me. I once explained to a friend, that I can be alone in any group that surrounds me.
All that isn’t new for me, and probably not for you if you know me well enough.
What I came to realize that the fact that I am never lonely (even when walking alone in the streets of an unknown city) might be connected to the fact that I am never feeling on the other side of the scale – to be completely belong.
As I have long arguing – sometimes in order to value something, you have not to have it.
To fell belong, you had feel alone.

Take Care


Soldiers at the palace

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Belém TowerBelém Tower

Belém Tower  Belém Tower Belém Tower

Lisbon, Portugal

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Lisbon, Portugal 38.713889, -9.139444