September 24th 2012 – Lisbon, Portugal – wall tiles

envelope - wall tilesbooknegative - wall tiles
Lisbon, Portugal
Since Ima had sent me all over Israel to look for floor tiles for our new home, I find myself keep taking photos of tiles each time I see I nice new pattern.
Outside my hotel in Alafma, there was a nice house with some nice tiles. But unlike other tiles, these ones where on the walls, wall tiles. And not the eternal walls or those of the toilets – but on the outside walls!

It is pretty different. I have seen colorful houses in Murano (Italy) but it was real something =)

After a short stroll in the streets of the neighborhood of Alafma I realized that it is one special things of this place. So I went around this hill that covered with tiled houses taking shots, Enjoy!

Oh, and one more thing about Ima and tiles (floor tiles) – She once entered the hospital building in Jaffa with Savta (either this, or this), as teenager. “I know this place”, she told Savta. But Savta did not believe her. “What is wrong?” Ima asked her. And Savta explained her, that the last time they have been to this hospital was when Ima was born! and there is no way she remember the tiles from back then…

Take Care


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Building 8Building 7

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