November 16th 2013 – Wadi Qelt, Israel

Wadi Qelt, Israel
I really don’t how it happened, but somehow I found myself hanging on a rope for a second time for less in two months….=)

It really looks like a making it one of my hobbies =).

It started when Yuzik, that hate birthdays, decided to celebrate his birthday. He didn’t change his mind, but only realize something – When you have a birthday you can use it to make people do things. For example – make people from the north of Israel (Haifa) visit Jerusalem and climb in Wadi Qelt =)

Wadi Qelt is a real cool place to hike, and to climb in it is real awesome! So we climb, and not like in Wales, that time the Wales were vertical, what made it harder!

Take Care

11162013-01 Upper Wadi Canyon in the distance. You can see the steep curves in the road that goes down to the valley. Wadi QeltUpper Wadi Canyon in the distance. You can see the steep curves in the road that goes down to the valley.

11162013-02 The pool that storage the water from the the upper spring in Wadi Qelt (Ein Prat). There are two more springs down the valley - Ein Maboa and Ein Qalt. Wadi Qelt11162013-05 The pool that storage the water from the the upper spring in Wadi Qelt (Ein Prat). There are two more springs down the valley - Ein Maboa and Ein Qalt. Wadi QeltThe pool that storage the water from the the upper spring in Wadi Qelt (Ein Prat). There are two more springs down the valley – Ein Maboa and Ein Qalt.

11162013-03 Such Clear Water! and such big fish! Wadi Qelt11162013-04 Such Clear Water! and such big fish! Wadi QeltSuch Clear Water! and such big fish!  The British and then the Jordanian pump that water to the east neighborhoods of Jerusalem. Now days the water just goes down the valley.

11162013-06 When you start climbing the Wadi, you find the sign that leads you to one of the monasteries along the valley - Paran Monastery. Wadi QeltWhen you start climbing the Wadi, you find the sign that leads you to one of the monasteries along the valley – Paran Monastery.  It is a Laura (path in Greek) monastery – meaning the monks used to live in their cave during the week and only in the weekend they gathered in the monastery.

11162013-07 Climbing up the vally. can you see the cliffs above in the distance? Wadi QeltClimbing up the vally. can you see the cliffs above in the distance?

11162013-21 The Ein Prat spouting. Wadi Qelt11162013-08 The Ein Prat spouting. Wadi QeltThe Ein Prat spouting.

11162013-09 Climbing up on the steps to the monastery. Look at the cave, doesn't it look like a throat (with uvula)? Wadi QeltClimbing up on the steps to the monastery. Look at the cave, doesn’t it look like a throat (with uvula)?

11162013-10 The caves of the monks of the monastery, and the wall of the monastery below. Wadi QeltThe caves of the monks of the monastery, and the wall of the monastery below.

11162013-11 The southern climbing wall of the valley Wadi Qelt11162013-14 The southern climbing wall of the valley Wadi QeltThe southern climbing wall of the valley

11162013-13 just over the corner, there are more climbing routes, some are easier (grade 5) and some are harder (grade 7). Wadi Qeltjust over the corner, there are more climbing routes, some are easier (grade 5) and some are harder (grade 7).

11162013-12The northern wall of the valley

11162013-20 And going back home... tired but happy =)And going back home… tired but happy =)