July 31th, 2014 – 23th Day of Operation Protective Edge

July 31th, 2014
Haifa, Israel
23th Day of Operation Protective Edge
Don’t worry – I am still here. The IDF didn’t call for reserve =) I just had a very long day (sometimes we drive to chemical planets in the south. Wakes up in 4:30 and come back at 19:00).

Some part of me wishes that I will be called – to take part at it. Since I was released from regular service I hadn’t participate in any big operation or war.

Sure when I think about it there are many reasons no to go, even if I will be called: My honeymoon in the end of the month, The fact that I am single kidney and not really fit for war, The chance of getting hurt, the work and homework I have to do….

But somehow above all there is the feeling that when I still here, I am not giving what I can give and help. This with the names of the soldiers that are killed everyday, makes me feel bad for sitting calculating building against earthquakes instead of calculating how much explosives is needed to blow up houses in Gaza strip.

Take Care

Staff Sgt. Matan Gotlib, 21, from Rishon LeZion (was killed during operational activity in the southern Gaza Strip) and Staff Sgt. Omer Hay, 21, from Savion (was killed during operational activity in the southern Gaza Strip). still here

07312014-03s Staff Sgt. Guy Algranati, 20, from Tel Aviv (was killed during operational activity in the southern Gaza Strip). still hereStaff Sgt. Guy Algranati, 20, from Tel Aviv (was killed during operational activity in the southern Gaza Strip).