July 21th, 2014 – 14th Day of Operation Protective Edge

July 21th, 2014
Haifa, Israel
14th Day of Operation Protective Edge
So there was an ambush yesterday morning, as the rumors went. As much as it said, Hamas didn’t lie about it hitting an APC. It killed 7 more around Gaza, all of the Golani brigade. That brigade has an history of blood shed battles since the Independence War. They known to be high motivated, maybe too high, to fight. Because those kind of days the brigade got her name.

What was really sad, was that the list of names of the killed soldiers (up till now only 7 of them were allowed to be published), run in the network. Parents had discovered that their son had died through a massage in Whatsapp. While some thought their son is died, when he is alive. Rumors are a very bad thing.

That wasn’t the first rumors that run in this operation. There were many more, some were true, some were not. But none was as nasty and irresponsible as this one. I don’t who got that kind of massage and pass it on without thinking. Even in the forum I usually read (rotter), no one dared to post it. And they post everything, with and without the approval of the censorship.

How much stupid you have to be to realize it will find its way out, to the families. People were standing outside those parents houses waiting to the IDF officers that will come to tell them that their child had died, even before the parents knew about it…

This morning they closed all the roads around Gaza strip of the fear it might be penetration. It became a routine – each morning Hamas militants open another tunnel and enter Israel in order to terrorize. We manage to find them and to thwarted it, but there are casualties to our forces…

It also became a routine. Sometime in the evening the censorship declare of the amount of today victims… another 7 killed soldiers (some of them from the penetration event that morning) and more injures.

Sgt. Gilad Rozenthal Yacoby, 21, from Kiryat Ono and Sgt. Oz Mendelovich, 21, from Atzmon

Sgt. Nissim Sean Carmeli, 21, from Ra’anana and Staff Sgt. Moshe Malko, 20, from Jerusalem

Staff Sergeant Jordan Bensemhoun, 22, from Ashkelon and Staff Sgt. Yuval Dagan, 22, from Kfar Saba

Staff Sgt. Tal Ifrach, 21, from Rishon LeZion and Staff Sgt. Nadav Goldmacher, 23, from Be’er Sheva

2nd. Lt. Yuval Haiman, 21, from Efrat and Sgt. Maj. Bayhesain Kshaun, 39, from Netivot

IDF Paratroopers Discover Tunnel Under a House in Gaza

IDF Thwarts Hamas Infiltration into Israel

Golani Brigade Commander: “Our Nation is Behind Us”

Golani soldiers in a fight with Hamas militants in Shujaiyeh