July 22th,2014 -15th Day of Operation Protective Edge

July 22th, 2014
Haifa, Israel
15th Day of Operation Protective Edge
When do you stop calling an operation An operation, and start calling it a war?
Second Lebanon War also started as an operation and ended up as a war.
Is it when the number of casualties is above a certain number? Because that morning we wake up to find that two more soldiers had died yesterday and tonight (30 soldiers and two civilians).

Does it when both sides are holding captives of the other side? We arrested Hamas militants (some are recovering in an hospital that bombed by Gaza rockets), and the Hamas is holding Sgt. Oron Shaul (it might be his body. I too was so confused about, that I didn’t realize that not all the names of the killed soldiers were published).

Are the foreign broadcasting networks that declare it a war? Because they already did it.

Is it when you kill that percentage of your enemy? Because there are already 604 dead Palestinians.

Or is it when there are enough fighting days? there 15 days of fighting, is it enough?

Is it how far we penetrate into the enemy area? All Gaza strip is about 8 kM…

Both sides are keep fighting and firing while cease fire talks are at the background. Two rockets manage to penetrate Iron dome and landed on a private house and on an empty school (it is summer break here), luckily without casualties (the civilians that were killed were not under the Iron dome coverage area).

Take Care

Lt. Col. Dolev Keidar, 38, from Modi’in and Sgt. First Class Oded Ben Sira, 22, from Nir Etzion

Pictures of the private house that was by a rocket today.

07222014-05 - The threat of rockets on Israel - warThe threat of rockets on Israel

Operation Protective Edge – Documentation of the thwarts of a penetration attempt yesterday.