July 25th, 2014 – 18th Day of Operation Protective Edge

envelope - reserve soldier
July 25th, 2014
Haifa, Israel
18th Day of Operation Protective Edge
That was a good morning. I was running and thought that in the matter of fact – no reserve soldier had died so far. It makes sense to send in first the organized military units – They are in better shape, have better performance and they are younger (among other things that means they don’t realize what they are sent in to).

There were some reserve soldiers I found out… and another one today, I found about him only when they published his name what made it easier – no time to think about bad things… =)

Since yesterday Guri is also in. We lost contact with him on Thursday. The IDF don’t allow to use the cellphones inside, so the soldiers will focus on fighting and not chating on Whatsapp. That is why we so concern about Nathan, we don’t a massage every night saying – “I’m OK”.

Hamas is using the Palestinians, I am sure it is clear to you. They use them as human shields to protect them from IDF bolts, or to prevent us from attacking places. They use them as insurance when they run with children on their hands. They use them when they hide weapons in their houses (letting or not letting them about it). They use them (and UNWRA) when they hiding rockets in UNWRA schools. Hamas is using them as hostages, spending the money from Qatar to dig tunnels instead of building hospitals.

Yes, there is a siege on Gaza. But they still have electricity (coming form Ashkelon, that they firing at). They have water, food, cement, steel – all coming from Israel. They had their choices, choosing Hamas, and letting him rule as it thinks is better. Not as is to be blamed.

Until now Gaza and west bank were quite separated and the war at Gaza didn’t spark the West Bank. Today, after 6 Palestinians were killed in riots around the West Bank, the war might catch fire also in the west bank.

Another IDF soldier was killed today, they didn’t publish his name yet. At least I know it is none of my brothers…

Take Care

07252014-01sMaster Sergeant (Res.) Yair Ashkenazy, 36, from Rehovot

Operation Protective edge – Maglan Special Forces attacks Hamas militants that shoot toward IDF forces.

Operation Protective edge – Tzeva Adom Alerts around Israel, today between 20:00 and 21:00.