August 7th, 2014 – The end of Operation Protective Edge

envelope - The end of Operation
August 7th, 2014
Haifa, Israel
It seems like the end of Operation Protective Edge

The train to Shderot is working again. Kids in Ashkelon are back to the summer day camps. Parents and can sleep at night without thinking on their kids are safe back at home. The farmers are looking and trying to estimate the damage to their crops. And me?…

I happy that Nathan and Guri are back at home…. =)

Each time another round of violence comes to an end I am thinking about the song “The Last War”:

The Last War – Yehoram Gaon

What ironic in this song is that it was written in 1973 about Yom Kippur War… How many wars / operations we had since then? Lebanon war, First intifada, Second intifada, Second Lebanon War, Operation Cast Lead, Operation Pillar of Defense and the latest Operation Protective Edge…. By the way, in on aspect it was the “last war”, the last war we fought against other countries and their armies and not against terror organizations.

I start to think more and more like Aba – We’ll have to fight till the end of days and to live upon our swords =/

At least for now it is the end of Operation Protective Edge.

Take Care