August 18th, 2014 – Muslim wedding – Haifa, Israel

August 18th, 2014
Haifa, Israel
Between all those cease fire and cease fire pauses (which might end tonight or not end tonight) – people still live in Israel: Studying, working, hang out, fall in love and getting married…

Like Mahmoud Mansour and Morel Malka that got married yesterday in a Muslim wedding. When we got married, one of the things that kept run in our heads was “how many people will come?”. See, you write down a certain amount of dishes that had to be served and pay for them. If more people will come, you will need to pay extra for their dishes – what can end the all party with a deep overdraft in your bank account… =/

Mahmoud Mansour and Morel Malka had to pay something like 13,000 NIS then they planned. That’s for around 200 people that decided to come. None of them was invited, the money was not paid for their food, but for the safety of the couple, as the court demanded.

Those protesters didn’t like the idea that Morel, a Jewish women that took the Islam religion on herself, will marry Mahmoud which is a Muslim.

Yep, just what you read – an ex-Jewish that is now Muslim want to marry another Muslim – an ordinary Muslim wedding. Those people say that once you are born as a Jew, you cannot change your religion. That Jewish girls that mix with Muslim is a bad thing that had to be stop.

What do I think?…

For my opinion – I think that people should get out of other people panties!

Take Care

 Mahmoud Mansour and Morel Malka, yesterday on the way to their wedding - Muslim weddingחתונת מחמוד מנסור ו מורל מלכה חתונה ערבית יהודית יפוMahmoud Mansour and Morel Malka, yesterday on the way to their wedding