August 25th – End of Operation Protective Edge

August 25th, 2014
Haifa, Israel
After 50 nights of bombing, last night was quiet. It might be that Operation Protective Edge has really got to its end.

Only couple of hours before the cease fire marking the end, two more civilians were killed from a mortar shell fired by Hamas militants from Gaza strip.

We, Atzva and I, are leaving tomorrow for our honeymoon. I feel now more comfortable to enjoy it now, when Israeli civilians are not longer under fire. It was a bad thing to hear on one of yesterday killed civilians, when we started the fire for my 30th birthday Poyke.

Yep, it was my 30th birthday =) How do I feel? Old…

Take Care

08272014-01s Ze'ev Atzion, 55 years old, from Nirim. - EndZe’ev Atzion, 55 years old, from Nirim.

08272014-02s Sahar Melamed, 43 years old, from Nirim - EndSahar Melamed, 43 years old, from Nirim

08272014-03s Atzva serving the Poyke yesterday =) - EndAtzva serving the Poyke yesterday =)