August 28th, 2014 – On El-Al plane

August 28th, 2014
On El-Al plane, Somewhere over the Atlantic Ocean, On the way to USA

I had never flew El-AL Airlines. I did used to take its low cost flight when I flew to Cairo or Eilat, short flights, not even to Europe.

I won’t lie to you, Atzva and I didn’t picked it for our honey moon (Yep, honey moon =), because of patriot reason. We did it only for the cheap price.

But there is something that feel your heart when you see that everything is in Hebrew and that the movie in the plane shows Israel places. The Kosher food didn’t really make any difference for us. And there are of course the Jewish that pry in packs, standing in the aisles.

It was also new for us to fly in Boeing 747, Jumbo =). I still have the pieces of newspaper that tell that El-Al got its first Jumbo, and about how big and good it is. Some 20 years passed from then, the personal screens ain’t work so well, but I never had a personal screen with channels before =)

Take Care

08282014-01 Our El-Al Boeing 747, called Rishon-LeZion (over one of the big cities in Israel)Our El-Al Boeing 747, called Rishon-LeZion (over one of the big cities in Israel)

Tower of david and a Jew pray in the Westren Wall.

08282014-07 The Israeli flag over the winglet of the our plane  - El-ALhe Israeli flag over the winglet of the our plane (I read about it in one of the magazines you got in the plane, so I now know what it is =)

08282014-08s Playing Soliter in my screen! (I know how stupid it sounds.. but it's new for me =).  - El-ALPlaying Soliter in my screen! (I know how stupid it sounds.. but it’s new for me =).

08282014-09 The flight route is in Hebrew!  - El-ALThe flight route is in Hebrew!

10232014-10 A Jew pray in the plane - El-ALA Jew pray in the plane.