September 2nd, 2014 – Honeymoon – Route 1, California, USA

September 2nd, 2014
Route 1, CaliforniaUSA

We wanted to feel the “American Way of Life” as it called, or at least to feel the what presented in the Movies as the American way…
For start – we rented a car in San Fransisco and started driving. You cannot be a real American without a car. We started driving.. Oh boy we have been driving…. We were told that we’ll have to drive a lot. But when the GPS tells you 346 miles for you next destination, when Israel total length is about 290 miles – you understand another think about the US. It is Hugh!
Of course we had to fuel the car, and to someone who used to pay 2 dollars for a litter – that place is cheap! What gets me to another point – we bought.
That’s what Americans do – they buy. They buy so much more than they need as it seems. So we bought. We got into outlet and bought, and what we couldn’t buy because it was to big to walk with – we order to my relative in NYC to pick up in the end of our trip.
Because we had a car, as most of Americans, we realized how this country is suited to car drivers – the Drive-thru. From Burger King and banks to a Places you can visit without leaving the car.
We also had the other part of America. The crazy Hispanic woman that entered the convenience store in her pajama at the middle of the night cursing and kicking stuff. The red-necks that tried to run away from a restaurant in San Fransisco without paying the bill and knocked down the waitress to the bottom of the 15 feet high staircase….

Take Care



17 mile Drive


Point Lobos State Natural Reserve. Apparently so much Hebrew speakers gets there, they had information page in Hebrew!

Route 1 =)

09022014-23Motel 6, we drove almost all night and crashed in this all American motel.

09022014-24One of the many convenience store we had visited.

09022014-32Fueling the car….so cheap!

09022014-33So much to drive!

09022014-34The Jewish Kosher food section – Matza and Gefilte fish all year long!

09022014-36The American breakfast: eggs and bacon, and pancakes =)

Route 1, California, US

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Route 1, California, US 35.968418, -121.483460