September 11th, 2014 – Rain – Tulum, Yucatan, Mexico

September 11th, 2014
Tulum, Yucatan, Mexico

It’s a tropical climate…. and the way to treat rain over here is different.
We have waterproof jackets, pants, gloves and boots.
But none of it is here with us.
When it’s cold, getting wet is bad. You can freeze to death. Walking can keep you warm, that way you can keep yourself alive. It is just ain’t fun hiking that way. So you better keep yourself warm, wearing all that waterproof equipment.
But in Tropical weather things are different. It is always warm, even when raining. Cover yourself with more layers will make you sweat like a pig, so you better not. Anyway getting wet in this climate is not that bad. You probably won’t freeze to death. If it’s a bit cold, walking can keep you warm. =)
In that case, that waterproof stuff and keeping yourself dry doesn’t work. The way to handle rain here is just getting wet =).
Anyway you getting dry again very fast…

Take Care

09112014-04One of the entrance gates in the wall of the city of Tulum……

09112014-0509112014-43And view of the city on the other side of it.

The God of Winds Temple.

The landing beach inside the city and above it El Castillo. The city was a major port for the city of Coba. That landing beach between cliffs made it great for defending the city and was probably why the Maya choose this place for the city.

09112014-1709112014-54sThe Temple of the Descending God and El Castillo to the right of it. The temple is called after the sculpture of a winged figure falling from heaven on top of its door.

El Castillo – The biggest building and probably the most important in the city. On the sides there were 2 small temples for offerings and the upper temple was for the main religious ceremonies.

09112014-26One of the buildings under preservation in the site. Here you can see the architecture of the site (like those in Chicehn Itza): Flat roofs supported by columns. Columns in the form of a serpent on the doorways of important buildings. Low wall on either side of the staircases. Facade decorated with large faces or figureheads. Small altars in front of important buildings.

Tulum beach – one of the most beautiful around here.

Tulum, Quintana Roo, Mexico

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Tulum, Quintana Roo, Mexico 20.214722, -87.428889