April 22nd 2015-Haifa,Israel-Day of Remembrance for the Fallen Soldiers

envelopeApril 22nd 2015
Haifa, Israel
We were asked to stand for the 8 o’clock siren in the evening of Day of Remembrance for the Fallen Soldiers of Israel and Victims of Terrorism.
It isn’t the first time I stands and wait for a siren.

Only A week ago we wait for one. But that one came for me as a surprise.
For half a second I thought that we need to catch a shelter, and then I realized that this siren is to remember the soldiers that died in Israel wars. That half second maybe realize how crazy the situation in Israel is…

Take Care

04222015 - Day of Remembrance for the Fallen SoldiersIn a spread of a week / Tzur Erlich
Two close memorial days each year
For the general calculation
How much it costs us with the country
And how much it costs us without

Day of Remembrance for the Fallen Soldiers

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