May 15th 2015 – Kiryat Gat Israel – The 34th Government of Israel

envelope - governmentMay 15th, 2015
Kiryat Gat Israel
The 34th Government of Israel was finally going on its way.
Put aside the fact that it took the Prime minister Bibi Netanyahu two hours more than the law allows him to, It is a bad narrow government.
First of all, it has only 61 seats in the Knesset out of 120 seats. That means it will have to struggle to pass base kinds of laws (like the budget law) that demands a majority of 61 votes. But when the opposition has 59 seats, it will struggle to pass even normal laws. It will have a hard time to function, and that’s bad for us as citizens.
For me as a citizen (not only as a left wing, non-religious citizen) – the religious right wing government has nothing to offer me.
Not because it will hard time function, and its targets are against mine. But because it seems that won’t try to make Israel a better place, but will only try to make their sectors a better place. And they have already started. The Coalition agreements promise a lot of money for those sectors: Those agreements (cost 6.9 billion shekels) and the costs of the elections (2 billions) are already 6 billion more than the worst case plan the last government plan.
We have already lost all we fought the gas monopoly will not get, as the old government (after the elections, but before the new one took her place) canceled its decisions in that area.
The only minister that might make a change is the Minister of finance Moshe Kahlon that promise to fight the high costs of living in Israel.

Take Care

5th month, and still no results. =(