June 7th 2015 – Haifa, Israel – Boycott Israel

envelopeJune 7th, 2015
Haifa Israel
What Orange CEO said couple of days ago in Cairo, about Orange company to boycott Israel was taken very seriously by our government. You have to understand that till the 1990’s most of the Arab countries boycott Israel since the its Independence in 1948. That countries put pressure on international companies and the results was that until the 1990’s there were no McDonald, Pepsi or Japanese cars in Israel.

You can find out how important is Israel donation to the world by looking in the Internet (here for example).

After strong pressure, Orange came back from its CEO declaration. Do I think that this boycott should be stopped? Yes, maybe not for the reason that out government thinks (maybe if we would had 6 different ministers that has a part in the Foreign Affairs Ministry, we wouldn’t have come to that point…)
The Idea that boycott can change Israel policy has a point in it. I would like to think we can ask to boycott only the settlements products, but that can a slippery slope to Israel products boycott.

I still think that the Status Quo we are in the Palestinians aspect (The west bank is neither a part of Israel nor of any other country) is the worst option. I don’t think boycott will make our government move in any direction:

One option is that we’ll make the west bank part of Israel (right wing idea) the second is that we’ll make the west bank the Palestinian country (left wing idea).
During the left wing regime we tried the idea of a Palestinian country, maybe we should try the other option?

Take Care

One of the anti boycott movies from 2008

We really hope that this time it worked, with a couple of piles and shots that might do the trick… =)