October 9th 2015 – Gondar, Ethiopia

October 9th, 2015
Gondar, Ethiopia
Well you pretty much grew in a 3rd world country, at least until some point
But in every Jewish family, you are a good child if you finish all the food in your dish. “How can you not finish it? There are hungry children in Africa!” your mother say if you don’t finish.

That is a lot harder when you sit in Africa and not finish your dish , while there are hungry children around you.

It is not the first time I have been to a 3rd world country:

In the after army trip – to Bolivia and Peru And Later from EWB to Nepal. But in the after army trip, I was young. I didn’t look on what was around me that way, it was the culture.

When I was to Nepal from EWB, I was older but I been there to help those poor kids.

But now?

Now I am just a rich Franji (foreigner in the local language), walking around in the streets and eating launch in the cost that a whole village can eat launch…while small kids run after me “Money, candy, photo”

Take Care

The coffee in the main square - The pizza Atzva haven't finish and the poor hungry child asking for food.The coffee in the main square - The pizza Atzva haven't finish and the poor hungry child asking for food.The coffee in the main square – The pizza Atzva haven’t finish and the poor hungry child asking for food.

Students from Lalibela. - hungryStudents from Lalibela.
It appears all those youth in Lalibela are students (that’s why the ask you always for a pen). They also run away when the police comes, because they harass tourists, telling them they are students…

Kids outside the van that drove me to Lalibela from the airport - hungryKids outside the van that drove me to Lalibela from the airport

Girls bringing water from the pump - hungryGirls bringing water from the pump - hungryGirls bringing water from the pump

Poor kids shining shoes in the streets of Bahir Dar - hungryPoor kids shining shoes in the streets of Bahir Dar - hungryPoor kids shining shoes in the streets of Bahir Dar

10092015-0210092015-03Gondar from the balcony of the room in the hotel - new buildings and slams. - hungryGondar from the balcony of the room in the hotel – new buildings and slams.

It might be this city is dead with all this vulture birds up in the air - hungry10092015-07It might be this city is dead with all this vulture birds up in the air - hungryIt might be this city is dead with all this vulture birds up in the air

Standing on the balcony in the hotel in Gondar - and that bird flew so close to us! - hungryStanding on the balcony in the hotel in Gondar – and that bird flew so close to us!

1st level bus - the local bus Atzva and I took all around. - hungry1st level bus – the local bus Atzva and I took all around.

Eating broad beans dish, which Gondar is famous for - hungryEating broad beans dish, which Gondar is famous for

Building formwork with Eucalyptus branches - just like we build building in the Scouts summer camps  - hungry Building formwork with Eucalyptus branches - just like we build building in the Scouts summer camps  - hungryBuilding formwork with Eucalyptus branches - just like we build building in the Scouts summer camps  - hungryBuilding formwork with Eucalyptus branches - just like we build building in the Scouts summer camps  - hungryBuilding formwork with Eucalyptus branches – just like we build building in the Scouts summer camps 

Sunset over GondarSunset over GondarSunset over Gondar

Gondar, Ethiopia

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Gondar, Ethiopia 12.600000, 37.466667

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