Brit milah

It scares me only to hold the baby, but we have a Jewish tradition to male babies in the age of eight days that scares me even more – Brit milah (“covenant of circumcision“)

In that ceremony, they cut and remove a piece of skin that covers the baby penis (that piece called foreskin). Yes it includes blood, and the baby screams and shoot. Like in most of times – Aba and I hold the baby for the mohel (the man that makes the ritual) , while Atzva and the rest of the girls of the family stood far away from there.

But what really scare is to hold the baby and take care of him afterwards. I and Atzva were scare to death when we had to change his diapers, and kept sending the mohel whatsapp massages and picutres, asking him if the blood on the diaper is OK. Brit Milah

A day later you have to take first bandage off, and two days later the second bandage. I think that most of the pics I have in my smartphone of my baby, are pics of his circumcised penis. We had to send it to the mohel just he will relax us. “By the way, it looks good” was his final massage to us in 2:00 AM. Brit Milah

P.S. The tradition is to give the baby the name in the Brit milah. So meet…

Jannaeus  - Brit MilahJannaeus Brit Milah