Windows of time

Well Atzva and I used to have a schedule. We know when we had to wake up in the morning if we would like to get out in a specific time. But since Jannaeus had arrived… well have defiantly changed. It isn’t only about how much time things take (and yes they take much more ), it is about those windows of time.

With a baby you have to get ready quick and get ready to move once he’s ready for it. Those days he eats each 3 hours, and between he nap during the day. You have to make sure that you want to move somewhere it is between those eating time.

And even if you are quick enough – there are always unplanned things: diaper changing, an outfit change, unplanned lunch, he’s just nervous…. Atzva and I already realized that we have to take an extra hour if we want to get somewhere. It makes schedule very hard to stand but in the end you can always say “What can we do, the baby decided he want to eat” 

We spent the weekend in Atzva brother house up in the north of Israel. Friday morning we realized we have nothing planned for this weekend . It was pretty a decision of the moment, but we managed to arrange it. We didn’t stick to Jannaeus time table… and trip that takes 2 hours, summed up to 4.5 hours with all the stops we had to do…

Take care

The pics are from a little hike I didn’t with Xuxa to Lebanon border, on Israel national trail,  from were we slept. using on of windows of time

The hike route (israelhiking website)

Koren stream - Windows of timeKoren stream

The walkway and Xuxa

The entrance to Snir stream nature reserve ... - Windows of timeThe entrance to Snir stream nature reserve …

... and the sign saying Entrance to allowed vehicles, first clue only you are getting closer to the border - Windows of time… and the sign saying Entrance to allowed vehicles, first clue only you are getting closer to the border

Sign of Israel national trail on the wood pillar - Windows of timeSign of Israel national trail on the wood pillar

Fruit plantation near the border. What really hold ground isn’t the fences but the  farmers that stay in the fields all day. That is why the fields are getting as close as possible to the border.

Nice road - Windows of timeNice road

Xuxa running forward - Windows of timeXuxa running forward

    - Windows of time

Dan stream

The sign between the trees in the right says "Stop! border in front of you!"...   - Windows of timeThe sign between the trees in the right says “Stop! border in front of you!”…

... but the trail sign says keep going.   - Windows of time… but the trail sign says keep going.

Mount Hermon

Xuxa and a cow examining each other   - Windows of timeXuxa and a cow examining each other

Behold – The Israel-Lebanon border on Snir stream and the Gajhar bridge below on the border