Does the baby looks like the Ima or like the Aba?

That the first thing grandmother and grandfather does when they see the baby first – wondering  where does his eyes, nose. hair (and so on) are coming from. “He got his eyes from the Aba, the nose from Ima and the ears from the second cousin aunt of my uncle niece….” =P

Yep, there are gens and DNA that mix up in the baby: some of his Ima, some of his Aba. Some comes from recessive gens.

Jannaues was born, and was immediately was given to the child doctor for a check. “He is OK,” he said “and he is your son =)”. It wasn’t hard to recognize it – he had my lips =D. It might be that I am wrong, but to me it looks like that what happens in most cases – he looks like the Aba.

Then it suddenly mad sense. When the doctor told me it was my baby I laughed and said “Now all we have to do is figure out who is the Ima”. The Ima is sure it is her baby, but the Aba might wonder. In past days, and even today, it can be a reason for murder. But if the baby looks mostly like the Aba, that can solve some problems. So it might be how evolution arranged it – The baby will be more like the Aba, then the Ima.

Take Care

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