The Temple Mount crisis ended as a fiasco.

Those were couple of weeks that shows how not to run a country, especially if this country is Israel, with the Temple Mount crisis ended as a fiasco. So what we had:
– Terror attack in the Temple mount – Two police officers shot dead.
– The government set metal detectors in the entrance to Temple mount.
Riots and violence clashes mainly in East Jerusalem.
Terror attack in the settlement of Halamish – 3 family members stubbed to death while sit down to eat Sabbath table.
A security man of Israel embassy in Jordan shots dead a youth trying to stub him and accidentally another person.
The cabinet decides to remove the metal detectors and replace them with a sophisticated net of security cameras.

From the right people calls the government cowards as the remove the metal detectors, and claims they surrender to fear.
From the left we look at this and still don’t realize how on earth that all thing became an Ice ball. Pretty fast it was understood the metal detectors will have to be removed. But as Bibi afraid to look weak in front of other politicians, he let the police and the Shin Bet (Security services) to decide. Only after a diplomatic crisis with Jordan was starting (and the murder of 3 family member) – the cabinet finally took the decision to remove the metal detectors. And ended the the Temple Mount crisis…

Take care

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