Running from Ha-Goshrim to Mount Hermon


Got to my brother in law and his wife house in Kibbutz Ha-Goshrim. When we got there, I looked around and thought “were should I run?”. My eyes set upon the highest mount in the area (and in Israel) – mount Hermon. I have been climbing it once, but with a backpack and only from the mid to the top. So I now I’ll run it from the bottom =)

“Wake up the sun” as Guri says. Hermon mount in the Horizon
A post inside Kibbutz Dan

Shion stream – closed military area =/

Along the road there are minefields

The bridge over Shion stream, the junction to Gahjar village and a monument to lieutenant Dobi Adar zl

The Gahjar village
Getting up to Golan heights – The Hermon in a different Geological area, but municipally it is part of Golan heights
The road to Banias fall – one of the beautiful hiking routes in Israel

Minefields on both sides and border signs

A sign to El Kahder (=the green) and to Govta stream where I’m headed
Ruins and remains of buildings

The black mark to Govta stream and a sign to Hermon nature reserve

Oh! must be something interesting to the right…

Just a small cave

Inside the stream – most of it covered with trees

The slope up
A route junction: the black goes up to Neve-Ativ, one blue goes to Nimrod fortress and the other blue goes to Nabi Hazuri.

Nimrod fortress from below and in closer look

Wadi Govta from above
The trail mark and a sign “follow the arrow” in case you don’t see it =)
The sign to Nabi Hazuri and to Egoz unit memorial, with beautiful background

Egoz unit tag mark, and the signs about the memorial. A voluntary unit in Northern Command during the years 1956-1957, 1963-1973. Helped to maintance quiet along the border of Jordan, Lebanon and Syria and in operation over the border. The unit name is an acronyms (anti Guerrilla warfare), and was established after in the order of Northern Command cheif Yizhak Rabin after Suez Crisis, and was dismantled after a few months due a death of one its soldier by a friendly fire. It was  decided to reestablished the unit in 1963, and by April 1968 it was already a battalion of 400 soldiers.
In Yum Kippur war the unit worked as a patrolling unit of Northern command under Avi Telem, acting in both the Syrian and Lebanon borders. Preventing attack from Lebanon and helping with intelligence for the IDF forces in Syria.
In 1995 the unit was reestablished the unit in the 3rd time in 1995, under Golani Brigade and it is working as a special unit with special skills and war techniques for the northern borders and mainly acting in Lebanon.

Govta creek and Nimrod fortress

Neve-Ativ: Memorial for the Egoz unit fallen soldiers the settlement is named after Avraham Hameiri, Tuvia Ellinger, Yair Elegarnty, and Binyamin Hadad.

The road from Neve-Ativ to Majdal Shams

Signs of the Golan trail, just below Majdal Shams

Majdal Shams from above

The entrance to the Mount Hermon site

“Free walks on top of the mountain everyday at 11:00 and 13:00 (You have to buy a ticket to the aerial tramway)”

Hermon and Golani ascent

“Golani Ascent – In Yum Kippur noon 6.10.1973 Hermon post was captured by Syrian commando unit. The first attempt to recapture to post didn’t succeed and 25 Golani fighters lost their life in this fight. Oporation Desset (Mivtza Kinu’ah), was another attempt to take control over the post that refferd to as “the eyes of nation”. 55 Golani fighthers fall in this fight. After a long and blooded fight the outpost was captured”


On the right the settlement of Nimrod, on the left – Lake Ram

Nimrod fortress down below

Keep going up… See the road above? this is Golani ascent =)

The view =) down below is Hula  valley

The Golan trail keep going up, But I am going back down with Atzva =)

Hermon, Israel

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Hermon, Israel 33.416111, 35.857500

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