Good morning Har Adar!

When I got the massage from my brother in law saying :
“Good morning Gad!
Say, is everything OK at home?”

I didn’t pay to much attention and started to write back:
“Good morning. Yes, eve….”
I then I stopped…. Something happened.
Something bad happened.

I open the website and the headline hit me:
“Terror attack in the settlement of Har Adar, 3 badly injured”.

It took a moment and I started running down the stairs outside calling home to the phone in Har Adar. Of course nobody answered me (usually they don’t answer, but it still made me nervous). Aba (he usually answer) – He’s OK and cannot talk because he’s driving. Finally he answered my question “Who is home?” – Ima and Yoni.

I called home, and Ima answered me. I could say she just woke up, and happy to talk to her son. She didn’t sound like someone that know that  a terror attack just happened in her neighborhood.  She said everything OK, I asked her to open a TV or a radio and watch the news.

Apparently all I had to do was open my Whatsapp app and get in to family group – Yoni just sent a massage saying everything’s OK and apparently it happened in the other side of the settlement, The side the faces the Arab village of Biddu. Could have saved me the years my heart just lost hearing about it

Take Care