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Hagoshrim school courtyard – founded by Yakov Shamhai which was the nature teacher. The children used to work here – taking care of animals, gardening, picking vegetables, caring the bees, collecting eggs, milking goats etc. In the best time the courtyard was a small model of the Kibbutz. Uri Dimaned, one of a Yakov Shamhai followers keep taking care of the courtyard
The dining room
The founders’ clothes
Hagoshrim dining room – After the first dining hut it was moved to the grove for the workers, came the new Swedish hut. It was longer, wider, window all along and a big window at the end. The wooden chairs and tables were lined up and three meals were served. The food was served on a stainless steel trolly with basic menu made in the near kitchen. In the current dining room there is a buffet. After Sabbath dinner, everybody sat outside talking while the kids were playing.
The club
a memorial sign
The founders of Kibbutz Hagoshrim were young and cheerful and in the evening gathered in a one of the small rooms, talking, joking and gossiped. After many arguments, the club was built in the early 80’s. The friend gathered in the evenings played, read newspapers and enjoyed the cakes of Chila Shamhai and later Shoshana Mendel. Later on the first TV was set here. Since the dining room was closed all the events take place here.
Running west to this Ramim RidgeFirst sign of Israel National trail
The bridges over the stream: for vehicles and for pedestrians
The stream under the bridge
The national trail and the sign that always looking for: The constructor and the allowed load
This is used to check the height of the water during the winter
Detroit women, USA. reconstruction of the historic trail between Tel Hai and Kfar Giladi
The history of these hills and those who lived here has always been determined by human choice. The persistence of Tel Hai, which rose from every fall, was the result of the choice of the jews to live there.
In August 1918 following the withdrawal of the Turks, members founded a kibbutz, naming it Tel Hai (previousky known by its Arab name, Talha)
Drawing of the courtyard by the architect Shtrakmet, who is asked to do the drawing by Margalit Kalvarisky, the clerck of the Baron Rothschild in Erez Israel. A courtyard of 42m x 19 m, two stables of 6m x 18m and a storage room of 42m serving Metullah farmers.
In October 1920, the members of Tel Hai and Kfar Giladi reestablished their settelments. Tel Hai was built all the way up the hill.
From 1935 to 1947, members of youth groups stayed at Tel Hai while preparing to set up new settlements
The sign and the valley
The sculpture garden – The Tel Hai art happening was held five times from 1980 to 1994. At the event, the finest sculptors from Israel and reowned colleagues from abroad, installed their work in the hills of Tel Hai.
The sculpture in the valley
In 1926, the two neighboring Kibbutzin united. Some of Tel Hai’s members left and others joined Kfar Giladi. One of them, Yehuda Efrati, could not reconcile himself with the notion of leaving the courtyard, which had become the symbol of defending the land, for even one night. Every evening he would walk down to Tel Hai, light lamps so everyone would know he was there, and lie down to sleep. On 10 January 1935, an announcment in the Kfar Giladi newletter: “The youth group has reached Tel Hai. Now Yehuda Efrati can sleep at home.”
The Picture of the burnt tower in Tel Hai, two stones on the right marking where Trumpeldor fell. Seven months later the settlers return to the site. Tova, the wife of the guard Mendek Portugali, says: “We have come to rebuild everything from the beginning.”
4 January 1920: The question of abandoning the site is rejected by an overwhelming majority of members. 6 January: A number of gunshots serve as a sigal for the settlements of Tel Hai an Kfar Giladi 9 January: Evening of singing and also debating the situation. The day following the battle Kfar Giladi experiences difficulty deciding whether to remain at the site. writes Moshe Greenwald (Ezion) on March 3: “If those who have fallen are dear to us, so should be those who have survived.” A decision is made to leave for Sidon.
Contras, the Eretz Israel workers’ newspaper, announces that the Defense Committee has decided that the diary of Yosef Trumpeldor will be considered the offical Hagana in the north. Trumpeldor describes in his diary the events in the settlements… 4 January, 1920: A desision is made the workers’ meeting to remain in place, cpme what may. 5 January: Reports that Tel Hai has 26 men and 18 guns. There are 18 men an 16 girls in Kfar Giladi. We are missing shoes, underwear and blankets. The outcome of the II adar battle: six casualties, Yosef Trumpeldor among them, the abandonment of the settlements.
Second set of sign
Hamra the village of the sheperds: Ephraim Eliash, Feldman Dov amd Gozshik. Located a couple of kilometers from Kfar Giladi (where today is Mayan Baruch). In 4.1.1920 Trumpledur wrote in his diary: “Pillars of fire were seen rising from Hamra; Somene said “Hamra is gone”. The word gone shivered our hearts. The idea that Tel-Hai and Kfar Giladi was in the air. “We won’t give Tel-Hai and Kfar Giladi easily” someone said. and the another answered: Hamra has fallen, but it will be rebuilt”.
In the end of 1919 there were 4 settelments in Gallile Panhandle, when the attacks started: Metula, Kfar Giladi, Hamra and Tel-Hai. Soon the hopes of the settlers became a bitter reality. WWI brought a series of aggrenents between French and Britian, and Gallile Panhandle moved out of the British Mandate. The letter above was sent from Kfar Giladi asking for ammunation and man in the 8.1.1920, before the attacks of 1.3.1920
1916 – we’re going up to the galille. in 1916 the first settleres moved to Kfar Giladi. Parts of the diaries of Alexander Zeid, Israel Giladi and Keila his wife
The wounded trail – This is the historical trail between Tel-Hai and Kfar Giladi. In this trail the wounded and dead of Tel-Hai were moved in the night of 11th of Adar. The dead were buried quickly, and in 1924 their remains were moved to current mass grave in the cemetary of Kfar Giladi with roar lion above.
Though a righteous man fall seven times, he rise again…
1907 – Farmers from Metulla build Tel Hai
1911 – The last of the farmers leaves Tel Hai
1914 – Jews from Kremenchug attempt to resettle Tel Hai
1915 – World War I, The Kremenchug advance guard moves to Metulla.
1916 – Hashomer “Shepher’s group” settles in Tel Hai
1917 – The “Shepher’s” move to Metulla.
1918 – The establishment of Kibbutz Tel Hai
1920 – 11 Adar (1.3.1920) – The fall of Tel Hai
1920 – October – the return
1922 – Construction of ‘The young Tel Hai – expansion of the Kibbutz on the slopes of the hill.
1926 – Tel Hai and Kfar Giladi merge – the members of Tel Hai move to Kfar Giladi
1935 – A group of young pioneers comes to Tel Hai to be followed by additional groups that stay there while preparing to set up new Kibbutzim.
1948 – Tel Hai courtyard is used as an army base
1953 – Reconstruction of Tel Hai courtyard and establishment of a cultural center and museum
1957 – Establishment of Tel Hai College.
A quarryA hiker on Israel national trailhorses on Israel national trail
Geological trail – Ramim cliff: The Hula valley was formed 1.7 million years ago, when the Syrian-African rift split open, thereby exposing a cross section – a window into the geological layers stacked one atop the other like pages in a book. At the bottom of the cross section are layers that elsewhere in the land lie buried deep in the earth, exposed only by extensive drilling, You will discover the as you walk along this geological path. Fossilized remains of plants and animals are found in the rock. Fossils are of great significance in the understanding of geological history. They will attract your attention, but please do not extract them. The law prohibits it. Please uphold this law so that those who visit after you can enjoy them as you have. Thank you and enjoy your walk.
Station 7 – The Iron mines. One of the many exploratory iron mines that opened in 1950’s. The layers of marl here contain eoliths of limestone and iron (dark, round grains resembling fish eggs). The concentration of iron in the eoliths is almost economically feasible. But other factors – the quantity of iron, distance from cheap transportation, difficulties in location the ore and the question of whether its concentration continue at an economically feasible level – led to closure of the mines.