The memorial - Lehi and Irgun

Along the Lehi and Irgun in Ramat Gan

As I walk around the city I live in (Ramat Gan) I found some signs about the Lehi and the Irgun. (Etzel) Both are resistance movements against the British mandate regime between 1917 and 1948 in Israel.  I don’t know if there are more signs, but I am sure there are still more locations that are historically connected to those organizations.


Lichter house‏‏‏‏‏‏‏ – In the grove by the wadi, stood  Lichter house . The place used  for meeting and hiding of the Lhei members. In this house was a bunker  as an hiding place for  Eldad (the nickname for  Israel Shayb), after he was smuggled by a group of Lehi members from the jail in  Jerusalem.


Fiboshek house – In this area , up the hill, stood the house of Fishbok family that  was used by the Lehi. Wounded members from operations were hospitalized In the basement. Jugs were hidden here in a catch of equipment and weapon.

Professor Marcus house –  Here stood the house of Professor Marcus zl where he supplied emergency aid to  Lehi injures, under the risk for his life during the British regime over Israel. Many times the building hosted important diplomatic meeting between the Irgun and the repetitiveness of the Anglo-American commission of inquiry.

Civilian house  – Civilian house, under the management of  Tzipora and Jeshoua Droni , was used by the Lehi for first aid training. Under the cashier was an hiding place for weapon
Primary school

Here stood the first primary school of Ramat-Gan . The Irgun used the place in the 30’s and 40’s as a place for weapon training and hiding place

Meridor house – In this house  lived Ya’akov Meridor , who was the leader of the Irgun between may 1941 and the end of 1943. The house used for training and hiding  weapon smuggled from abroad

Lehi Broadcast stationIn this house, in the room on the roof, operated  and hidden  broadcast station  of the Lehi.  The radio station was called  The Voice the Hebrew Resistance movement. The station official first brodcast was opened with the words of Michael (Yitzak Shamir), to be latter The Prime minister of Israel, saying “Greeting for the nation, from the depth of the Hebrew resistance movement”.

Ramat Marfe HospitalDuring the British Mandate many Lehi fighters who were wounded during action against the foreign regime were  hospitalized in Ramat Marfe. Many of the wounded  owe their life to the doctors  and workers who took care of them  secretly, with dedication and under pressure.


The memorial of Those hanged in the gallowsOlei Hagardom (Hebrew: “Those hanged in the gallows”) refers to members of the two Jewish Revisionist pre-state underground organizations Irgun and Lehi, who were tried in British Mandate courts and sentenced to death by hanging, most of them in Acre prison. There were 12 Olei Hagardom.

Ramat Gan Police station – The building was build in 1941 under the design of Sir Charles Augustus Tegart. In this place the Irgun fighting unit attacked the police station in the noon of 23.04.1946  in order  to confiscate weapon and ammunition from the mandate British authorities. The operation was called Operation purchase. Road blocks were set on the roads to Petah Tikva, Beni Brak and Sarona. A unit on a truck hidden as a British force with Arab prisoners entered the police station, opened the jail cells and locked the British policeman in the cells. The policeman that were sleeping in the second floor opened in fire on the Irgun members that loaded the truck with weapon. In this fight three lost their life: Sargent Ohad (Fainerman Israel) and Head of group Nimrod (Lotanki Ya’akov) and soldier Yitzhak (Yitzhak Bilo).  Dov Groner was injured an left behind as he was considered dead. Dov was captured in this action, sentenced to death in Jerusalem jail. When the judgement  was given he stood and said “In fire and blood Judah fell, in fire and blood Judah will rise” (The Hashomer slogan). In the 15.04.1946 Dov was moved to Acre Prison and was hanged the day after (16.04.1946) in the age of 35.

Here is a link to route along the signs of the Lehi and Irgun in Ramat Gan

Take Care

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