
As you noticed, I don’t write lately.
No it isn’t about work load, or that Jannaeus is sick all the time – it is because of the project I focus on: Harmonica tabs.

There is of course HarpTab.com where you can find, probably, any Harmonica tab for any English written song you can think of. But Apparently there is no tab site in Hebrew for it. I thought that something I can help the work with =)

I started playing the Harmonica when I started my undergraduate degree. My roommate, or better say – my next door neighbor on the dorms was playing. You probably remember him, his name is Yuzik. And I decided he will teach how the blow it Well he did… in some way.

If you ever want to play some Hebrew songs on your harmonica – you can find them here: Harmonica tabs

You are more than welcome to spread the rumor to all you Hebrew speaking friend (come to think about, it is probably only me…. )

There are about 90 songs right now, and I have about twice in the barrel. Some of them are from notes on book, some are from notes I find on the web and some are from listening to the songs.

Take Care

My Harmonica tabsMy Harmonica

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