Illegal workers crossing the fence

Today we played Hide and seek with Illegal workers (Shabah in Hebrew). We got to place they cross the border fence between Israel and the West bank and wait there. In this time we got information they cross the border couple of hundreds meter to the west. So we started  chasing them and to prevent them to got to the six other openings in the fence. The problem is that once you go, everybody starts crossing the fence and you have to go forward to the next mission. From here is looks like we trying to prevent water from liking from an Dutch dam.

But it isn’t a real problem, at least not from an operational point of view, we can stop those Illegal  workers. But it looks like Israel government use this area as a pressure valve – to allow the Palestinians to work (although they don’t have a permit) so they have to money to support their families. But, on the other hand, we have to watch over 7 openings in the fence, not a realistic mission.

My problem is to do something that have little if not no influence. I can hold the area only for a little time. In the rest of the time, they just cross the fence. Another “we-don’t-to-decide” problem of Israel government.

Take Care

The opening in the fence after we fix it in the morning. Illegal workersThe opening in the fence after we fix it in the morning.

The opening in the fence this afternoon - opened with a supermarket cart and a school table. Illegal workersThe opening in the fence this afternoon – opened with a supermarket cart and a school table.

My Petzl flashlight I was looking from the morning. Illegal workersMy Petzl flashlight I was looking from the morning.

The car on top if the heel is their watch car. Illegal workersThe car on top if the heel is their watch car.

And along the roads their are more watchman, one on each opening each on patrol. Illegal workersAnd along the roads their are more watchman, one on each opening each on patrol.

Just A nice sunset of the fence - Illegal workersJust A nice sunset of the fence.


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