Reading a book with missing letters

I arranged myself some books for the time of the military reserve for the periods of dead time I gonna have. One of the books I found for my kindle was a book called Personal by Lee Child (see here) This is one of the books in the series on a military policeman, Jack Reacher, books I love reading. So I was happy to come across this one.

When I opened it (a PDF file) there seemed to be a problem – there were missing letters in the text . I took some other books and forgot about this one. The problem was that all the rest of the books cannot fit the uniform pocket like the kindle does. So I found myself starting reading it…

It wasn’t hard as I thought it will. They say that your mind can feel in the letters. Well what they real mean is that you don’t really read the word letter by letter. You look at it as a group of letters, and when you have the context of the sentence you can understand the word. Like reading a usual book . well except for the names of the places in Paris, but you can handle with out it .


Part of the first page of the book - enlightened are the missing letters.Part of the first page of the book – enlightened are the missing letters.

Part of the second page of the book - enlightened are the missing letters.Part of the second page of the book – enlightened are the missing letters.

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