Qassam damage to a concrete slab

Slab hit by a Qassam rocket that didn’t explode

Well, after the fire in Haifa last year the office I am working on is being called to estimate damage that the State insurance cover.
War damage is one of those cases. Like the the slab of an house that was hit by a Qassam rocket, that was thrown from Gaza strip. Likely the rocket didn’t penetrate the slab, and no one was hurt.

The damage is the same as if a big weight would hit the slab. That is for the rocket didn’t explode. An explosion would have make a bigger damage, and might have cause loss of life.

The roof from above

Damage to the slab from below from the Qassam rocket

Closer look at the rebar and the concrete. - Qassam rocket
Closer look at the rebar and the concrete.

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